Peter Ternstrom has built a drone-like “jet ski of the skies” that he hopes could be worthy of Galaxity, the capital of Earth in Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières’ classic comic Valérian. He says: In every future timeline, doesn’t matter what science fiction you’re looking at, it could be Valerian or Star Wars? It could be a Fifth Element by my hero, Luc Besson.
Early Attempts at a Prototype
The Jetson One is a flying aluminium ladder with a sports seat on top. The concept was originally built as a platform for testing motors and propellers, and which batteries to use. “We thought that this was going to be really easy to make,” he says of the original design.
Regulatory Issues
Under US rules, this type of aircraft is not permitted to fly near airports or densely populated areas. But Ternstrom’s design was built to comply with US regulations which don’t require a pilots license to fly it.
The Jetson One’s most important innovation is the flight computer and the flight control system that makes it easy to fly even for a novice pilot. The aircraft’s flight computer uses a Lidar sensor system to keep the pilot out of harm’s way and comes equipped with an auto-landing system.
Could Jetson’s Flying Car Come to Europe?
Jetson One, the company behind the Jetson drone, is now only accepting orders for orders for production in 2023. Buyers are listed on the website as coming from all over the world, including from Europe where the regulatory framework governing this kind of aircraft is a little more opaque. Ternstrom believes that we are still a few years away from seeing any kind of regulation in Europe if it does happen, but he thinks it will be similar to that of the United States.
Jetson Aero co-founder Lars Ternstrom says Europe could fall behind the US if it doesn’t come up with a legal framework for the air mobility industry within the next two years. By 2030, their ambition is to have a four seat model that can replace a family car.