The carbon footprint of tourism is estimated to be 5 to 10% of all global emissions. Canada has adopted the Sustainable Tourism 2030 certification program, which certifies tourism businesses as being sustainable through individual assessments and training. The program, also known as Green Tourism, was created in 2009 by GreenStep Solutions and is dedicated to helping tourism businesses meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Eagle Wing Tours (Victoria, BC)
Eagle Wing Tours is a whale-watching company based in Victoria, BC. The family-owned business supports a variety of conservation initiatives such as the Center for Whale Research (CWR) and the Pacific Salmon Foundation. Eagle Wing Tours’ vast conservation projects are all detailed on their website.
Island Lake Lodge (Fernie, BC)
The Island Lake Lodge is located in Fernie; a beautiful mountain town in southeast BC. Their sustainability practices include producing all of their electricity using two, flow-through hydro generators on Breanne Springs, and monitoring the water quality of Island Lake. Another initiative is the formation of a Green Committee to audit practices, brainstorm and implement new ideas.
Fogo Island Inn (Fogo Island, NL)
Located in the largest offshore island of Newfoundland and Labrador, Fogo Island Inn is an impressive building designed to have a small impact on the natural environment. The hotel’s architecture and operational systems have been designed to meet the highest levels of energy efficiency while promoting a luxury setting. Rainfall is collected and filtered for use in toilets, laundry, and appliances, while water is heated by solar panels.
Maple Leaf Adventures (Victoria, BC)
Maple Leaf Adventures offers expeditions into the nature and culture of British Columbia and southeast Alaska. Guided by the principles of ecotourism, the company limits the number of guests per tour to respect the carrying capacity of each place. Maple Leaf has also made significant contributions to environmental conservation, especially in the Great Bear Rainforest area.
Westin Ottawa (Ottawa, ON)
Westin Ottawa is an upscale hotel that is part of a chain owned by Marriott International. The Hotel has been a local conservation champion for over a decade and is known for its innovative energy-efficiency measures. An important part of being an environmental steward is researching what companies are doing for the environment, then choosing services that reduce our carbon footprints.